How Does S-63 Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) Format Work?

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python ENCs S63 S57 GIS cryptography

TL;DR: S-63 is a standard used to encrypt official Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs). Encryption and signing allow clients to be sure that they have official data and that it has not been tampered with. It also make it possible for data providers to license sections of the charts (cells) and be sure that they are not being shared illegally / pirated. This post gives an overview of the process and shows how to implement the key steps. All of the examples are implemented in python and available in a Gist.

Vector Charts and S-57 Format

The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has defined a standard for vector navigational charts called S-57. The standard defines how to store the data, what attributes to use, etc, and the format is open so that anyone can implement it. NOAA even publishes all their ENC data in S-57 format, you can download the data or view it in a web viewer. Ships over a certain size are required to have official ENCs on board (due to SOLAS) - they previously used paper charts.

Still though, how does the captain know that the data it has is official and hasn’t been tampered with or corrupted? And do the providing agencies have any way to control who can access the data, so they can get their money? The answer that the IHO came up with is the S-63 standard, a process for encrypting and signing the S-57 ENC data.

IHO S-63 Standard

The IHO S-63 standard defines a process for encrypting and signing S-57 data, you can find the full standard here in IHO Publication S-63. If you like to dig though standards like that, and want even more detail than what is given in this blog, I recommend you go straight to the source. The whole process is defined and if you’re into that sort of thing you can skip the rest of this post and check that out to get an idea of it instead. I’m going to attempt to explain the process in a more approachable way, and include some code examples that complete the most important parts.

Why - What Problem Does S-63 Solve?

The IHO “surveyed” the hydrographic offices of the world (the ones that participate in the IHO at least) and found that there was a general consensus that they wanted to establish a security scheme for their electronic charts. They were concerned about piracy of their data due to the implications that may have for navigation safety and, for their bottom line (second part is not in the official documentation 😉). This is what they came up with.

First - who’s involved?

Sticking to the naming used in the official documentation, here are the main players in the S-63 process:

  • Scheme Administrator - the one, the only, you guessed it, the IHO
  • Data Server - provides the official data, there are lot of these, most associated with the hydrographic offices or other official distributors of the data
  • Data Client - the one who wants to use the data, usually a ship or other vessel
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) - this is where I got all my experience with this lovely process. This is the company that makes a navigation system, like a chart plotter, or other software (voyage planning, etc) that wants to let their users pull in official ENC data.

Maybe a picture will help:

S-63 Players

It’s basically a central ‘authority’ (the IHO) that defines the process, and then the data servers get the official data and OEMs set up their software to display it for the user.

What’s the process?


As a high level overview, here’s what happens:

  • the data server gets the official data from the hydrographic office or another official distributor, whoever is making the actual charts from the survey data
  • the data is in standard S-57 format (the standard for vector charts)
  • the data server encrypts the data with a random key (we’ll see more later)
  • the data server sends out the encrypted data to any users who might want it
  • a user who wants to use the data must send a User Permit Number (UPN) to the data server, and probably some money too (to license the data for a certain period of time, or for a certain geographic area, etc)
  • the data server gladly takes the user’s money, and User Permit Number, and then sends the user a “permit” file, which contains the key that was used to encrypt the parts of the data that the user has licensed

The tricky part here is that the User Permit Number (UPN) is installation specific, so every client for a given OEM will have a different one. They need be able to send a unique hardware identifier to the data server, and then receive the key(s) needed to decrypt the data in a way that is secure. So the rest of this post is about how that actually happens, and how to implement some of the main parts in Python.

Is it really secure? I don’t know, I’m not a security expert. I do know that the scheme was put in place years ago though. It only uses a 40-bit encryption key for the data. It’s not unreasonable to brute force 40-bits (we’ll probably be trying that in another blog). The scheme might not stop a determined attacker from accessing the data if for some reason they really want some of that juicy navigation info. However, the encrypted cells are also signed so that their origin can be confirmed, and if the signature checks out (and the correct public key is used checking the signature), the user can trust the origin of the data.

A new S-100 standard is set to replace S-57 and S-63, but it will likely be a while before it replaces the old standards. In the new standard, AES in CBC block mode is used for encryption instead of Blowfish. The big change is that the key size can be 128, 192, or 256 bits. That’s a big improvement over the 40-bit keys in this standard…

Either way, let’s look at how to implement each piece, and maybe see how they fit together a bit better.

The Manufacturer ID and Private Key

The first step for the OEM who wants to show S-63 data in their software is to register with the IHO. Once approved, they will be assigned a “manufacturer id” (M_ID) and a “manufacturers key” (M_KEY). The list of OEM M_ID and M_KEY pairs is shared with the official data servers, but not with users, other OEMs, or anyone else. The M_ID is a 2 character alphanumeric code, but represented using it’s ASCII representation in hexadecimal. So for example, the M_ID 01 is represented as 3031. The M_KEY is a five character hexadecimal number, but also often represented using it’s ASCII representation in hexadecimal. So the M_KEY 123AB is represented as 3132334142. This needs to be kept secret by the OEM. The IHO shares this with the data servers by a secure means that is no doubt well documented, so that they have access to it in later steps.

We can flip these around in python by encoding the ASCII representation to bytes and then dumping to hex:

# ascii str of hex chars to hexstr
"01".encode().hex() # --> '3031'
"123AB".encode().hex() # --> '3132334142'

# back the other way
bytes.fromhex("3031").decode() # --> '01'
bytes.fromhex("3132334142").decode() # --> '123AB'

The Hardware ID

So to really get started - we want each installation to have a unique identifier, so that the data server can license the data to the specific users / specific installations. We know that each approved OEM has an M_ID and M_KEY assigned by the IHO. Next, the OEM generating this installation specific identifier is the first step in the real process.

As mentioned, the install specific identifier is called the Hardware ID, and each OEM has their own process for generating it. They could come from serial numbers of some piece of hardware, be randomly generated, etc, they just need to be unique. It’s not meant to be shared with the user in raw format. This is a five character string of hexadecimal characters, and it’s recommended that it is not generated sequentially.

For example, a valid hardware id is “A79AB” - this is the one used in the S-63 docs as an example.

What’s our goal now? We want to find a way to give the data server the hardware id (HW_ID) for a specific installation. They can then use that to encrypt the key that they used to encrypt the cell of S-57 data, and send the cell key back to the user. Then the user can use the same hardware id to decrypt the cell key, and then use that cell key to decrypt the S-57 data that they have licensed!

But how do we get the hardware id to the data server in a secure way? We don’t want to just send it and risk it being intercepted, corrupted, or tampered with. We need to encrypt it somehow…

The User Permit Number

The User Permit Number (UPN) is the way that the user can send the hardware id to the data server in a secure way. The OEM software the user is using takes the hardware id and encrypts it with the M_KEY (the one that the IHO assigned to the OEM). This results in 16 hex characters. Then a CRC32 checksum is calculated and added to it (8 hex characters). Finally the M_ID is added to the end, in hex string format (4 hex characters). So we end up with a 28 character string that looks like:

User Permit Illustration

So let’s look at an example of how to make a User Permit Number. We’ll use the the IHO’s implementation test kit, with the numbers: M_ID is 10 and the M_KEY is 10121. The hardware id for this “installation” is 12345.

First, we need to encrypt the hardware id (12345) using the Blowfish algorithm using the M_KEY as the key. We can use the pycryptodome package (pip install pycryptodome) to do this:

from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish

# Assigned to manufacturer (OEM) by IHO:
m_id = "10"
m_key = "10121".encode()

# Generated by manufacturer (OEM) for each installation:
# - padded to 8 bytes
hw_id = "12345".encode() + b"\x03" * 3

# Encrypt hardware id with blowfish and m_key
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
encrypted_hw_id = cipher.encrypt(hw_id).hex().upper()

print(f"Encrypted HW_ID: {encrypted_hw_id}")
# --> Encrypted HW_ID: 66B5CBFDF7E4139D

Next, we need to calculate the CRC32 checksum of the encrypted hardware id. In python, we can use the binascii package to do this:

import binascii

# Compute the CRC32 checksum of the encrypted hw_id:
crc = binascii.crc32(encrypted_hw_id.encode())
crc = f"{crc:x}".upper().zfill(8)
print(f"CRC32: {crc}")
# --> CRC32: 5B6086C2

Finally we can make the actual User Permit Number by combining the CRC32 checksum, and the M_ID:

upn = encrypted_hw_id + crc + m_id.encode().hex().upper()
print(f"UPN: {upn}")
# --> UPN: 66B5CBFDF7E4139D5B6086C23130

There we go, we have the final User Permit Number of: 66B5CBFDF7E4139D5B6086C23130 that contains (1) the encrypted HW_ID ( encrypted with the M_KEY), (2) the CRC32 checksum, and (3) the M_ID.

That’s the UPN - what’s next?

This User Permit Number is obviously unique for each installation, as it’s based on the HW_ID. This is the number that the user will send to the data server - remember that they have a list of all the super secret M_ID and M_KEY pairs, so they can use the M_ID at the end of the UPN to look up the corresponding M_KEY, and use it to decrypt the encrypted HW_ID out of the UPN.

They now know the secret hardware id (HW_ID) for a specific installation. They can use that hardware id to encrypt the random key that they used to encrypt one cell (usually some defined geographic region) of the S-57 data. They send that back to the user as a “cell permit”.

The Permit File

The data server creates a “cell permit” in order to communicate the key used to encrypt the S-57 data back to the user. The cell key (well actually two keys) is encrypted with the hardware id (HW_ID) that the user sent in the UPN as described above, and then put in the permit for the user. The user’s software as we said above, can then decrypt the key (it’s knows the HW_ID that was used to encrypt it) and finally, use that key to decrypt the S-57 data.

So what does that permit look like?

It contains the identifier of the ENC cell that it corresponds to, so that’s usually a geographic region at a particular scale. The cell names look something like: NO4D0512, or NO5F1615. Finally, the resulting permit file (permit.txt by naming convention) is going to look something like this:

:DATE 20030909 09:02

where the lines following :ENC are the cell name, the expiration date of the permit, the key used to encrypt the data (but encrypted with our HW_ID), an extra key (the ’next’ key that will be used to encrypt the data when the current one rotates), another CRC32 checksum, and finally some other metadata for the cell (version, etc).

So the actual permit (the part we care about mostly) for each cell is broken down like so for the cell NO4D0512 in the file above:

Cell Permit Illustration

So we (we’re the data client now) already had the encrypted S-57 data (“S-63 data”). Now we have the permit file from the data server with cell permits like the one above, with one row for each cell we have paid for. They had to generate the permit file using the hardware id (HW_ID) we sent them in the UPN to encrypt the keys used for this particular ENC cell. So how did they do that?

Let’s look at how the data server makes a permit file for a cell. We’ll use the same M_ID, M_KEY, and HW_ID as above so that we can use the S-63 test kit data. We’ll stick with our NO4D0512 cell name - the key used to encrypt the cell data is a random 5 byte number. There is a second cell key sent along too, it can be the next key the server will use if it rotates keys, or it could be same as the first, that’s a detail and it’s up to each particular data server. Either way, let’s say we’ve already generated them (maybe using os.urandom(5).hex() or some other method) and we have: 9C467D359D and 27737811B4 for the first and second keys for the cell.

The user sent us (we’re the data server now) the UPN 66B5CBFDF7E4139D5B6086C23130, so we’ve got to use that to get their HW_ID, then use that to encrypt the keys for the cell. Those last 4 characters of the UPN are the M_ID - here that’s 3130, we can use that to look up the secret M_KEY in the official list of OEMs from the IHO. We get the M_KEY 10121 for the M_ID 3130. Then we can use that to decrypt the HW_ID from the UPN:

import binascii
from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish

upn = "66B5CBFDF7E4139D5B6086C23130"

# We looked up the MKEY using the MID at the end of the UPN (3130)
MKEY = "10121"

# the encrypted hw id is the first 16 chars
encrypted_hw_id = upn[:16]

# the crc check is the next 8:
crc = upn[16:24]

# we can make sure it matches to ensure there was no error / data
# integrity issues:
assert crc == f"{binascii.crc32(encrypted_hw_id.encode()):x}".upper()

# The crc checks out, so lets decrypt the hw_id using the m_key:
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)

decrypted_hw_id = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(encrypted_hw_id))
# only the first 5, the rest is padding
print(f"HW_ID: {decrypted_hw_id[:5].decode()}")
# --> HW_ID: 12345

So we’ve got the client’s HW_ID now, and we can use that to encrypt the keys for this cell:

hw_id = "12345" # --> got this from the UPN as above
# append first byte of hw_id to end of hw_id (in 9.6.2 of standard)
hw_id = hw_id + hw_id[0]

# padding to 8 bytes
padding = b"\x03" * 3

# the cell keys that were randomly generated, and used to encrypt the cell
cell_key1, cell_key2 = "9C467D359D", "27737811B4"

cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
eck1 = cipher.encrypt(bytes.fromhex(cell_key1) + padding).hex().upper()
eck2 = cipher.encrypt(bytes.fromhex(cell_key2) + padding).hex().upper()

print(f"Encrypted key 1: {eck1}\nEncrypted key 2: {eck2}")
# --> Encrypted key 1: F7B3814E59C84805
# --> Encrypted key 2: D150D571B9BE53A6

Finally, we can add the cell name, the expiration date, and the encrypted keys together, and compute the CRC32 checksum for the permit file:

# these are fixed for the cell
cell_name = "NO4D0512"
expiration_date = "20040826"

# add the cell name, expiration date, and encrypted keys together
permit = f"{cell_name}{expiration_date}{eck1}{eck2}".upper()

# compute the crc32 checksum of the permit
hex_crc = f"{binascii.crc32(permit.encode()):x}".upper()
bytes_crc = bytes.fromhex(hex_crc)

# encrypt it with the hw_id (with the special "first byte appended" thing)
encrypted_crc = cipher.encrypt(bytes_crc + b"\x04" * 4).hex().upper()

# add the crc to the permit
permit += encrypted_crc
# --> NO4D051220040826F7B3814E59C84805D150D571B9BE53A637BD0B34F1F8F091

So there we go, we’ve got the permit for the cell NO4D0512 that will be sent to the user. The user’s software can then, you guessed it, decrypt the keys in the permit using they this system’s HW_ID, and finally use them to decrypt the S-57 data for the NO4D0512 cell and display it.

That process starts with the reverse of what we just id, then the key is used to decrypt the chart data, and finally the data uncompressed and can be displayed.

Decrypting the S-57 Data

So we reverse the process we just implemented to get the cell keys:

full_permit = "NO4D051220040826F7B3814E59C84805D150D571B9BE53A642E5B05951975E9C"

# extract encrypted cell key
eck1 = full_permit[16:32]

# go backwards to get the cell key from the permit
hw_id = "12345"
hw_id6 = hw_id + hw_id[0]

# decrypt the cell key
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
ck1 = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(eck1))[:5]

and then we can use the cell key to decrypt the S-57 data for the cell:

import zipfile

# encrypted s57
with open("NO4D0512.000", "rb") as f:
  encrypted_s57 =

# decrypt the s57 data with the cell key
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
decrypted_s57_zip = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_s57)

# check the header (the zip file header starts with PK)
assert decrypted_s57_zip[0:2] == b"PK", "invalid zip"

# save a copy of the decrypted chart
with open("NO4D0512_decrypted.000", "wb") as f:
# extract
with zipfile.ZipFile("NO4D0512_decrypted.000") as z:

There you go! We have an unencrypted S-57 file that we can now display in any chart viewer that supports the format. There’s also a GDAL driver for it, so it could be converted into other GIS formats, or rasterized, etc. Here’s the cell we just decrypted, displayed in QGIS:


We can see all the vector layers, and while QGIS is not representing the data as a chart plotter would, it’s all there! It was just a quick way to check that the decryption / extraction worked.

In the real scheme, you would want to check the second key if the first one fails. The permit checksum should also be checked before using the keys, but I didn’t include that here (we’ve already seen how to do it). Of course the expiration data needs to be checked too to make sure the permit is still valid, and a few other details that I didn’t include here.

The only significant part of the process that we didn’t cover here is that the compressed, encrypted S-57 data is also sent with a signature that is validated to confirm the origin of the data. Maybe that’s a topic for another post!


If you read this far, thanks! Hope you learned something, let me know if you have any questions or comments.

The full code for this post is available in a Gist.